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Wednesday, March 7, 2018

What I Think of My Marriage Every Single Day!

So.... what do I think about my marriage every single day you ask?    Well...... 

Long before I met my wife I had decided to start drinking my coffee black. Again, why you ask? 

Well.... basically because I am lazy. I try to organize my life around things that require little maintenance and upkeep. I just found the hassle of explaining to the nice lady at Timmies "exactly" how much sugar and cream.... black was just easier.  At home I found it easier to just pour the coffee and walk away.

So... then I marry a girl who won't drink her coffee black. Not only does she need "cream" (not milk) but also honey (not sugar). Crazy.... I know.... who does that??

So every morning when I make our coffee, I am thinking: "This plan sure didn't work out like I thought it would." Like, every time I make coffee for the two of us I just can't shake this thought... it has stuck with me over the years. Weird huh?

Yestetday I posted a meme explaining that in a long lasting relationship neither party will get all they want .... and that is ok.. What you actually do have is so much more valuable than all the stuff you thought was important but turned out to be nothing.

I so enjoy the times we get to have our coffee in bed after breakfast together.... I so enjoy grabbing a coffee at Timmies and driving down to the lake or into the mountains and just talking. We can still do that after 47 years together. But hey, that is how it all started .... over coffee. Our first date was 6 hours (plus) long in a restaurant over coffee and apple pie.

So.... you know what the second thing I think every single morning after making two coffees.... one with cream and honey?  "I really love making coffee with cream and honey! I am so blessed..."