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Sunday, April 19, 2015

Relationships That Fail to Connect

Saw this item as it was shared by a facebook friend. The title refers to dating, but it is more than that. It is about ALL the relationships we acquire in life. We live in a day when we are told we can have it all, we can have it exactly how we want it, and we can have it now. And, what is more, we have come to believe something is wrong with our lives and relationships when that is not our reality. It becomes easier to be dissatisfied with what we have because somehow we have come to believe there is something better “out there”. This article wastes no words. I couldn’t say it any better.

To read more about how we date now . . click here

How Do Happy Couples Do It

WHAT COMES FIRST; “Happy Couples” or “the 7 Habits of Happy Couples”? Valued relationships require deliberate attention.  If left unattended any relationship will grow cold and then die.   Here are some really good habits to develop in your relationship that will cultivate beautiful fruit.  If you are not doing these things already, start now. Like all “habits” they become "second nature" after you do them continually for a period of time.   Don’t wait until you feel like it, just do it.  Your heart and mind will follow once they see where you are taking them.  These are really good solid concepts to make any relationship grow in the right direction.
More on "7 Habits of Happy Couples"

Whose Heart Are You Guarding?

 Did you read it correctly?

"Your marriage",  "help you" , "your heart".  It is not just our spouses and SOs we need to worry about.

No One Really "JUST" Wants the Truth !

Neither men nor women REALLY mean this when they say it ! It is NOT the "TRUTH" they want; that in and of itself could get really ugly.  What we all really want and need here are the words that confirm the correct behavior and provide reassurance from our partners. Before you can tell the "truth" to your partner you need to know that the "truth" will show you behaving in a way that will compliment who you are. If your behavior is already untrue what difference do your words make?   Dishonest behaviour has no limits for dishonest words.
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Validate Your Spouse's Feelings

Failure to do this is at the root of many an unnecessary argument, which then grows into resentment, which then causes emotional withdrawal, which then causes physical distance. If left unattended the "bridge" to "connect again" will become very difficult to build. Put yourself in your SO's "shoes". Start with "empathy" and "understanding" before you speak. When your partner feels that their feelings are being respected, your differences can be quickly resolved. Validate your spouses feelings!
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