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Wednesday, January 6, 2016

VIDEO -The Sex Starved Marriage - Michelle Wiener-Davis

When the sex in an marriage is good, you take it for granted.  When it is bad, you can think of nothing else.  Do not allow your spouse to go through life thinking about nothing else.  The ramifications of ignoring your partners needs in this area can and probably will be catastrophic.

Here is what one viewer had to say:

"I had to take breaks watching this because I couldn't stop crying. I've always been the one that sought more connection, more touch, and in my marriages, it eventually ruined them both. I am older now, and hopefully wiser, but I am back in the same boat. I am trying to learn from my mistakes, be more tolerant, patient, and understanding, but I'm still having difficulty with the disconnect. Her comments about rejection hit me so hard that I still have tears sliding down my cheeks. I know he loves me, but knowing it and feeling it are completely different things. I'm asking him to watch this. I need to know I'm not alone, because it always feels as though I am."

Michelle Weiner-Davis is one of the few marriage counselors that I would fully endorse.
She has a good understanding of what makes relationships work and what does not.  Her advice is solid.

Below is a short video she gave at a "TED Talks" presentation a while back.  It serves as an introduction to her book by the same title.  I highly recommend her book as it is the best I have come across if you need a quick read that covers the subject well and gives you practical actions for a solution

Her book is available almost everywhere including online.  A good place to look is second hand book stores and thrift stores.  Often can find it for just a couple of dollars or less.  I got my copy for $1.

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