TRUST IS important in a relationship. In fact without it, the
relationship will become hard and joyless. It is not possible

to be happy if you are the one that shares a life with someone you cannot trust. Trust is more than a blind faith that the other person will behave and perform as you expect. Trust is sometimes experienced as the indescribable sense of well being you get when you know there are dangers “out there” that will threaten your relationship and your family…BUT that you both are prepared to build fences, strong gates, establish boundaries, and install alarms to alert you to potential harm …. AND… AND … you will maintain them with the vigilance a that a lion has for her cubs.
Nancy Heche in her biographical “The Truth Comes Out” writes the words of a friend: “If only I had known, I never would have…. If only I had recognized the seeds of lust, deception, and death I was sowing, I never would have….. If only I had realized that what I do today shapes my future and my children’s future…. if only….if only. Is there a direct link between today’s decisions and tomorrow’s reality? Yes! [there is]”
“If I had known at what moment, on what occasion, or in what circumstance the ‘enemy’ would seduce, sow his seeds of destruction in my family, I would have watched, and I would have set up alarm systems, and built fences, hired guards. If I had secured the locks, mended the fences, trained the guard dogs…..I would not have lost sight of the enemy’s devices… I would not have suffered loss…devastation. If I had known the legacy of sexual sins left by my affairs I would never have left my children at home alone.”
When one or both people in a relationship are not having their basic needs met the risk is higher, but the risk is always present, even in strong healthy committed relationships. If you allow your boundaries, fences and “fail-safes” to break down, you are one out of town trip, one late night dinner with a client, one emotionally available co-worker with a kind word you a you are one step from a chain of dominoes, seemingly unnoticed at first, but that in time will bear the fruit that will end in a disaster and can never be undone.
Do not allow life to bring distractions. Guard, watch, and protect that which is rightfully yours. Only a fool would mess with a lion’s cubs. Let the world see a lion when they see you.
Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominic at
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