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Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Support For Struggling Couples

 LONG TERM SATISFYING  marriages are becoming more difficult to pull off every day. This is largely due to the fact that support for marriage itself is waning in our society as a whole. When two people are struggling with the issues that every marriage will experience, it is usually those closest to the couple, (friends and relatives) that are the first to fail them.

Michele Weiner-Davis says: "You don't have to be a marriage therapist, mental health professional or clergy to be an extremely positive influence on someone's marriage. Life-changing advice comes in many packages. Talk to people you encounter everyday. If they're struggling in their marriages, urge them to get help and stay the course. Don't assume that you should "mind your own business" because when it comes to marriage, it takes a village."  [  ]

We as a society have become so conditioned to discard anything that isn't working and replace it with something new that even marriage counselors often become "divorce counselors" by default,  because it appears to be the easiest and quickest option.

Few are prepared to acknowledge that a marriage is a "WE" project, not a "ME" and "YOU" thing. Few are prepared to acknowledge that "I" have issues to resolve and baggage to dispose of, not that "he" or "she" needs to fix "this" or "that" before there is hope. Few acknowledge that marriage is life, and life has never ending "stressors" that have a way of diverting  our focus away from each other to blaming each other.

If you know someone struggling with marriage issues, be there to support the marriage. Sometimes all it takes is a listening ear. Most of the time people know what they need to do.  They just need to hear themselves say it. Be there to direct them to the support they need, and support them in their efforts. Never be the one to show them the “oh so easy” exit door. They will find that one on their own.

Don't just tell people they are not alone during these difficult times. Make sure that they ARE NOT alone. Show them they are not alone.  Include them in "marriage friendly" groups.  Don't know of any?  Well .... how about starting one?  This could benefit your marriage as well.  There are many resources available both online and off for this very purpose.

If  ONLY a "Couples Group Night Out" was as popular as "Girls Night Out" or Guys Night Out" we would have stronger families, as well as men and women equipped for the challenges of growing , and loving in 2016.

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